Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We have more queens!

Time: 10:00 ish
Weather: mid 80s - no breeze

Inspected hive1 again. Found the queen again. Saw no eggs, however we did find one frame with a dozen or two larva growing in various stages - ALL in queen cells with royal jelly (milky white). None of the cells were capped yet. Will check back in a week to see what's happening. I suspect that the queen they were able to raise was not laying well so they will replace her.

Monday, August 10, 2009

We have a queen!

Time: 11:30
Weather: 80ish - sunny - no breeze

Hive1 - inspected the queenless hive again today. There were bees coming and going at the entrance (which is still reduced). Found no sign of a queen. No eggs. No larva. Had looked at all 9 frames. Decided to look again paying closer attention for eggs. Found the queen on frame 3. She was surrounded by attendants and appeared to be laying eggs. I could still see no evidence of eggs. The comb was rather dark so I should have been able to see them. We've got a queen though. Not sure if she's mated yet. We'll check back in a week to see how she's doing.